Sex card games

A collection of playful sex card games for exciting evenings.



Hump! helps couples learn about each other's libidos while answering sex tip-related trivia questions. The player who correctly answers 10 questions first, wins and selects a scenario for the couple...

Massage Seductions


Couples looking for ways to intensify intimacy with a variety of massage methods can bring sensual spa experiences home with this erotic massage kit. This kit offers 24 ways to...

Bondage Seductions


This kit allows you and your partner to explore the curious world of restraints, dominance, pleasurable pain, and submissiveness. Each Bondage 101 card contains suggestions for you and your partner...

How can I play with sex card games?

Sex card games offer a structured and playful way to explore each other's desires, discover new activities, and enhance your intimate connection. They can transform a regular night into an exciting adventure, promoting communication and fun.

Can sex card games help with sexual communication?

Absolutely. Many sex card games include prompts and activities that encourage open dialogue about desires, boundaries, and fantasies. They provide a fun and engaging way to discuss topics that might be challenging to bring up otherwise.

Are there sex card games for different experience levels?

Yes, sex card games cater to various experience levels, from beginners to more experienced players. Some games are designed to ease you into new activities gently, while others are more explicit and adventurous for those who are more experienced.

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